Safety Training for Real Estate Professionals

Safety Training is the key to protecting real estate professionals from being exploited by criminals. You can significantly decrease the odds of being the victim of a crime by simply taking this one-hour safety class designed exclusively for Real Estate Agents. Classes are offered both online and in person.

Why Are Real Estate Professionals At Risk

Real Estate Professionals are often targeted by criminals because they work alone. Sadly numerous real estate agents have been robbed, raped, and murdered. Many crimes go un reported.


Safety awareness is the first and most important step in crime prevention. By increasing your level of awareness and reducing or eliminating opportunities that make you a target will decrease the likeliness of you becoming a victim.

Individuals who are able to recognize a crime, and modify everyday behavior to avoid it, have a much better chance of thwarting criminals.

Remember common-sense safety prevention skills should never be left at home, you must always stay alert in order to stay alive!

The ability to protect yourself is the best investment you will ever make!


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