Concealed Carry Classes for Women

Learn how to safely utilize and carry a concealed weapon from knowledgeable educators and instructors.

Learn the Essentials Required to Carry A Weapon

Carrying a concealed weapon for safety is a tremendous responsibility, and that's why most states mandate that you undergo training from a licensed facility before being able to obtain a concealed carry permit.

I Got Her Six, LLC works with the authorities to offer concealed carry classes, ensuring that each of our students understands how to adequately utilize their firearm, the laws surrounding weapon carry, as well as how to approach situations regarding their concealed carry with civilians and police officers.


What classes consist of largely depends on the facility offering it as well as the requirements as dictated by your state. If you're taking an NRA or USCCA sanctioned class, you will need to complete a live fire test to demonstrate competency in handling your firearm. You'll be tested with a certain number of rounds and need to hit a target at a reasonable range within certain consistency levels.

Additionally, your concealed carry class may consist of a written test that ensures your understanding of firearm laws and regulations, as well as a standard of understanding for different firearms. 

It's best to consult with your instructor as to whether or not firearms will be provided or whether or not you may bring your own. In the latter case, ensure that you bring your gun safely, meaning it is unloaded, clean, and ready for use.

Do I Need Additional Training?

A concealed carry class should cover the essentials when it comes to owning, using, and carrying a firearm. This includes how to safely load, unload, store, and safely fire a weapon accurately.

What You'll Gain

You'll gain a strong understanding in each of these key areas, as well as the laws surrounding firearms and how to safely interact with others while carrying. That being said, additional firearms training courses can improve your competency when firing a gun. More training is always incredibly valuable when dealing with a live weapon for your own safety and for others.

Then, You're Ready to Apply

To get your certification to apply for concealed carry permits, get in touch with I Got Her Six, LLC to join one of our classes today. With the successful completion of our class, you'll be able to apply for your legal permit to carry.


As a proud USCCA Official Partner, we encourage every gun owner to take advantage of what the USCCA offers. Click the link below to get their FREE Concealed Carry Guide for more life-saving knowledge.

Claim Now

To apply for your Florida CCW Permit please click the following link CCW Application

Include your CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION from I Got Her Six, LLC firearms training class or other document that evidences your competency with a firearm. Your training must include live fire using a firearm and ammunition.

Keep a record of all the serial numbers for your firearms

Keep your guns in a secured gun safe

Do not lend your firearms to others

What to do if your gun is lost or stolen.

Upon discovery of any theft or loss of your firearm, you should call your local law enforcement agency to report the theft or loss.

A complete description of each firearm is vitally important to law enforcement in the investigation and recovery of your firearm. Insurance claims and reacquisition of a recovered firearm will also hinge on the ability to correctly identify your firearm 


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