Home Defense Fundamentals

Curriculum Description

Developing a personal & home protection plan is a key component of not only preparing for how we should (or might) react if confronted by a violent crime, but also how we might avoid violent crime in the first place.

Within this lesson, Crystal explains that developing a protection plan is about much more than becoming proficient with a firearm or writing up a home invasion plan.

It’s a plan that must encompass awareness, avoidance, and preparation, so that we’re less likely to find ourselves in a situation where we have no other option than to use our firearm, rather than more likely.

Educate Yourself on Personal Home Protection

Do yourself and your family a huge favor by participating in a Personal Home Protection Safety class. Not only will it protect yourself and others, you will put your mind as ease knowing you have a plan in place in the event of the unthinkable. 

I Got Her Six, LLC offers the necessary classes to educate women and mothers with little to no firearm or safety training.


Personal home safety class material is generally targeted towards women and mothers who are concerned about the safety of themselves as well as their family.

Our classes generally take about 2 hours, and end with a written test to verify that you've absorbed the knowledge provided. We require at least an 80% passing grade in order to qualify for your certificate.

The test will examine your understanding of home safety and how to protect the ones you love.


As a proud USCCA Official Partner, we encourage every gun owner to take advantage of what the USCCA offers. Click the link below to get their FREE Concealed Carry Guide for more life-saving knowledge.

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Where Is The Class?

Training is done online in the comforts of your own home or in person with an instructor. We understand there may be children in your household, but we strongly suggest you set aside a time when you are able to focus on the class.

Will There Be A Test?

Yes, there will be a written test to verify you have absorbed the training material provided. In order to receive your certification you must pass with 80% or above.

Book Your Class Today

While some may groan at all of the legal restrictions around firearm and weapons, all of it is done in an effort to keep yourself and others safe through education and safe practices.

If you're interested in getting your Concealed Carry License or private Firearm training, give I Got Her Six, LLC a call today to learn more about our classes.

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