Firearm Training for Women

Increasing your proficiency with a firearm not only increases control over your firearm, but helps you understand the inner workings of different guns, keeping yourself and others out of harms way at all times.

Gain Experience With Expert Firearm Training

We all love to utilize firearms for recreation, but that enjoyment comes with a tremendous amount of responsibility to consider the safety of yourself and others around you when utilizing such a weapon.

I Got Her Six, LLC offers several firearm training courses to increase your understanding of and competency with various types of firearms.


There are a lot of components to understand when it comes to using a firearm. Each weapon has different parts that you need to understand, so that you can safely maintain and clean a firearm to prevent accidents. You'll learn about these parts and how to safely load magazines.

Additionally, each firearm requires a specific grip and stance to allow you to aim effectively and better deal with the recoil that comes with firing a round. 

You'll obtain practice at firing different types of firearms, depending on the course, at targets at different ranges. The more competent and knowledgeable you become about various firearms, the safer and more effective gun user you will be.


As a proud USCCA Official Partner, we encourage every gun owner to take advantage of what the USCCA offers. Click the link below to get their FREE Concealed Carry Guide for more life-saving knowledge.

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Firearm Assembly

Understanding the inner workings of any firearm you're using is essential for ensuring optimal function. This means keeping yourself and others safe from harm at all times.

Distance Practice

The more accurate you are with your shot, the more you efficient you become with ammunition use, as well as eliminate risk of potentially harming others in emergency situations.

Safety Protocols

Most importantly, our instructors want you to walk away with expert knowledge of safety protocols to follow when using a variety of different firearms. Represent our community the best you can!

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